dry eye treatment
Do you suffer from dry eyes? Surprisingly, your eyes watering is a huge sign that they are dry - as counterintuitive as it sounds. Dry eyes can cause: watering, itching, burning, blurred vision, foreign body sensation and can affect your productivity and your quality of life.
Rather than relying on eye drops that don’t actually address the root of the problem, come visit us at West End Vision. With a range of dynamic treatments, we’ll find the right way to manage your dry eyes. Analysis of your tear evaporation, blink rate, tear volume, and imaging of the cornea and meibomian glands aids treatment:
Punctal plug insertion - 3-7 day dissolvable, 90 day dissolvable, long term
Demodex treatment - In office Lid exfoliation with Cliradex
Preservative free lid hygiene products & Medical-grade Bruder masks
Medications such as Lotemax, Alrex, Restasis, Xiidra, Tyrvaya, Miebo, and Doxycycline
Nutraceutical education and recommendation - Omegas!
Proper artificial tear education - quality product selection
We have many other options available, and we’re confident we can get to the root of the problem and provide you with long-lasting relief.